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Hello Neighbor: Diaries APK - Explore the Secrets of Your Neighbor

Hello Neighbor Diaries APKPure: A Guide to Download and Play the Game

If you are a fan of horror games, you might have heard of Hello Neighbor, a stealth horror game where you have to sneak into your neighbor's house and find out what he is hiding in his basement. But did you know that there is a prequel game called Hello Neighbor Diaries that tells the story of what happened before the events of Hello Neighbor? And did you know that you can download and play this game for free using APKPure? In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Hello Neighbor Diaries APKPure, including what it is, how to download it, and how to play it.

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What is Hello Neighbor Diaries?

Hello Neighbor Diaries is a mobile game developed by tinyBuild, the same studio that created Hello Neighbor. It is a prequel game that follows the adventures of Nicky Roth, a young boy who lives next door to Mr. Peterson, a mysterious and sinister neighbor who has a dark secret. Nicky decides to sneak into his neighbor's house and conduct his own investigation to see for himself what Mr. Peterson is hiding.

A prequel to the popular horror game Hello Neighbor

Hello Neighbor Diaries is set before the events of Hello Neighbor, and it reveals some of the backstory and lore of the game. You will learn more about Nicky Roth, Mr. Peterson, and their relationship. You will also discover what happened to Mr. Peterson's missing son, Aaron, and why he became a ruthless killer. The game has multiple endings depending on your choices and actions.

A mobile game with stealth and puzzle elements

Hello Neighbor Diaries is a mobile game that you can play on your Android or iOS device. It has similar gameplay mechanics as Hello Neighbor, but with some differences. You will have to use stealth, cunning, and creativity to avoid being caught by Mr. Peterson, who has advanced artificial intelligence and can adapt to your moves. You will also have to solve puzzles, find clues, and use items to progress through the game.

A story-driven game with multiple endings

Hello Neighbor Diaries is not just a game of hide and seek. It is also a game of storytelling and choices. The game has a rich narrative that will keep you hooked until the end. You will have to make decisions that will affect the outcome of the game. You will also have to deal with moral dilemmas, ethical questions, and emotional conflicts. The game has multiple endings that will reflect your actions and personality.

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How to download Hello Neighbor Diaries APKPure?

If you want to play Hello Neighbor Diaries on your mobile device, you have two options. You can either download it from the official app stores (Google Play or App Store), or you can download it from APKPure , a third-party app store that offers free and safe Android apps and games. Here is how you can download Hello Neighbor Diaries APKPure and why you might want to use it.

What is APKPure and why use it?

APKPure is one of the oldest and most popular alternatives to Google Play, despite ongoing privacy and security concerns. APKPure hosts direct download freeware and shareware versions of Android app files in .apk and .xapk format that work on all Android-capable devices. APKPure claims to offer the following benefits for its users: - You can download and update Android apps that are not available in your region or country. - You can download and update Android apps that are not compatible with your device or system version. - You can download and update Android apps without using Google services or signing in to your Google account. - You can download and update Android apps faster and more efficiently than Google Play. - You can download and update Android apps without any ads or pop-ups.

The steps to download and install the game

To download Hello Neighbor Diaries APKPure, you will need to follow these steps: - Go to the official website of APKPure ( or download the APKPure app on your device. - Search for Hello Neighbor Diaries in the search bar or browse the categories to find it. - Click on the download button and choose the version you want to download. The latest version is 1.0.4 as of June 2023. - Wait for the download to finish and then open the file. You might need to enable the installation of apps from unknown sources in your device settings. - Follow the instructions on the screen to install the game. You might need to grant some permissions to the game to run properly. - Enjoy playing Hello Neighbor Diaries on your device.

The benefits and risks of using APKPure

Using APKPure to download Hello Neighbor Diaries has some advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of. Here are some of them: - Benefits: - You can play Hello Neighbor Diaries for free without paying anything or watching ads. - You can play Hello Neighbor Diaries even if it is not available or compatible with your device or region. - You can play Hello Neighbor Diaries with faster loading times and better performance than Google Play. - You can play Hello Neighbor Diaries with more features and updates than Google Play. - Risks: - You might download a fake or malicious version of Hello Neighbor Diaries that could harm your device or steal your data. - You might violate the terms of service or intellectual property rights of tinyBuild or Google by downloading Hello Neighbor Diaries from APKPure. - You might encounter bugs, glitches, or errors while playing Hello Neighbor Diaries that could affect your gameplay experience or device functionality. - You might not receive official support or customer service from tinyBuild or Google if you encounter any problems while playing Hello Neighbor Diaries.

, a third-party app store that offers free and safe Android apps and games. Here is how you can download Hello Neighbor Diaries APKPure and why you might want to use it.

What is APKPure and why use it?

APKPure is one of the oldest and most popular alternatives to Google Play, despite ongoing privacy and security concerns. APKPure hosts direct download freeware and shareware versions of Android app files in .apk and .xapk format that work on all Android-capable devices. APKPure claims to offer the following benefits for its users: - You can download and update Android apps that are not available in your region or country. - You can download and update Android apps that are not compatible with your device or system version. - You can download and update Android apps without using Google services or signing in to your Google account. - You can download and update Android apps faster and more efficiently than Google Play. - You can download and update Android apps without any ads or pop-ups.

The steps to download and install the game

To download Hello Neighbor Diaries APKPure, you will need to follow these steps: - Go to the official website of APKPure ( or download the APKPure app on your device. - Search for Hello Neighbor Diaries in the search bar or browse the categories to find it. - Click on the download button and choose the version you want to download. The latest version is 1.0.4 as of June 2023. - Wait for the download to finish and then open the file. You might need to enable the installation of apps from unknown sources in your device settings. - Follow the instructions on the screen to install the game. You might need to grant some permissions to the game to run properly. - Enjoy playing Hello Neighbor Diaries on your device.

The benefits and risks of using APKPure

Using APKPure to download Hello Neighbor Diaries has some advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of. Here are some of them: - Benefits: - You can play Hello Neighbor Diaries for free without paying anything or watching ads. - You can play Hello Neighbor Diaries even if it is not available or compatible with your device or region. - You can play Hello Neighbor Diaries with faster loading times and better performance than Google Play. - You can play Hello Neighbor Diaries with more features and updates than Google Play. - Risks: - You might download a fake or malicious version of Hello Neighbor Diaries that could harm your device or steal your data. - You might violate the terms of service or intellectual property rights of tinyBuild or Google by downloading Hello Neighbor Diaries from APKPure. - You might encounter bugs, glitches, or errors while playing Hello Neighbor Diaries that could affect your gameplay experience or device functionality. - You might not receive official support or customer service from tinyBuild or Google if you encounter any problems while playing Hello Neighbor Diaries.. How to play Hello Neighbor Diaries?

Now that you have downloaded and installed Hello Neighbor Diaries APKPure, you might be wondering how to play the game. Here are some of the basics that you need to know:

The gameplay mechanics and controls

Hello Neighbor Diaries is a first-person stealth horror game that requires you to use your wits and skills to avoid being caught by Mr. Peterson. You can move around using the virtual joystick on the left side of the screen, and you can interact with objects using the buttons on the right side of the screen. You can also swipe the screen to look around, and pinch the screen to zoom in or out. You can access your inventory by tapping the backpack icon, and you can pause the game by tapping the menu icon.

You will have to explore different rooms and areas in Mr. Peterson's house, and find clues, keys, tools, and other items that will help you progress. You will also have to hide, run, or fight back when Mr. Peterson spots you or hears you. You can use closets, cabinets, beds, or other hiding places to avoid him, or you can throw objects at him to distract him or knock him out. You can also use traps, cameras, alarms, or other devices to sabotage his plans or alert you of his presence.

The tips and tricks to sneak into the neighbor's house

Hello Neighbor Diaries is not an easy game, and you will need some strategy and patience to succeed. Here are some tips and tricks that might help you: - Observe Mr. Peterson's behavior and patterns. He has a daily routine that he follows, and he will react differently depending on the time of day, the weather, and your actions. Try to learn his habits and preferences, and use them to your advantage. - Be careful with noise and light. Mr. Peterson has excellent hearing and vision, and he will notice any sound or movement that you make. Try to be as quiet and stealthy as possible, and avoid breaking windows, knocking over objects, or turning on lights. You can also use noise and light to lure him away from certain areas or distract him from your real intentions. - Use your inventory wisely. You can only carry a limited number of items in your backpack, so choose carefully what you need and what you don't. Some items are essential for unlocking doors, solving puzzles, or accessing secret areas, while others are useless or harmful. You can also combine some items to create new ones, such as a firecracker or a magnet gun. - Save your progress frequently. Hello Neighbor Diaries has an auto-save feature that will save your progress every time you enter a new area or complete a major objective. However, you can also manually save your progress by using a cassette tape recorder that you can find in some rooms. This will allow you to resume your game from where you left off in case you die or quit.

The secrets and mysteries to uncover in the game

Hello Neighbor Diaries is not just a game of survival. It is also a game of discovery and curiosity. The game has many secrets and mysteries that you can uncover if you pay attention to the details and explore every corner of the house. Some of these secrets and mysteries are: - The hidden rooms and passages. Mr. Peterson's house is full of hidden rooms and passages that contain valuable items, clues, or surprises. You can find these hidden rooms and passages by looking for cracks in the walls, paintings that can be moved, bookshelves that can be pushed, or switches that can be activated. - The mini-games and Easter eggs. Hello Neighbor Diaries has several mini-games and Easter eggs that you can play or find for fun or rewards. Some of these mini-games and Easter eggs are: a shooting gallery in the basement, a chess board in the living room, a carnival game in the backyard, a comic book collection in the attic, and references to other tinyBuild games such as Graveyard Keeper or Clustertruck. - The alternate endings. Hello Neighbor Diaries has multiple endings depending on your choices and actions throughout the game. Some of these endings are good, some are bad, and some are secret. You can unlock these endings by doing certain things such as: saving Aaron from the basement, killing Mr. Peterson with a gun, escaping from the house with all the evidence, or finding out the truth about Nicky Roth. Conclusion

Hello Neighbor Diaries is a thrilling and immersive game that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It is a prequel to the popular horror game Hello Neighbor, and it tells the story of Nicky Roth, a young boy who tries to uncover the secret of his neighbor, Mr. Peterson. You can download and play this game for free using APKPure, a third-party app store that offers many benefits and risks. You will have to use stealth, puzzle-solving, and decision-making skills to sneak into the neighbor's house and discover the truth. You will also have to face moral dilemmas, ethical questions, and emotional conflicts. The game has multiple endings that will reflect your actions and personality.

If you are looking for a game that will challenge your mind and nerves, Hello Neighbor Diaries is the game for you. You can download it from APKPure by following the steps in this article, or you can visit the official website of tinyBuild ( for more information. But be warned: once you enter the neighbor's house, there is no turning back.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Hello Neighbor Diaries APKPure:

Is Hello Neighbor Diaries free to play?

Yes, Hello Neighbor Diaries is free to play on both Android and iOS devices. However, the game may contain in-app purchases or ads that require real money. You can disable these features in your device settings or by using APKPure.

Is Hello Neighbor Diaries compatible with my device?

Hello Neighbor Diaries requires Android 4.4 or higher or iOS 9.0 or higher to run properly. The game also requires at least 1 GB of RAM and 500 MB of storage space. You can check your device specifications in your device settings or by using APKPure.

Is Hello Neighbor Diaries safe to download from APKPure?

APKPure claims to scan all the apps and games that it hosts for viruses and malware, and to verify their authenticity and security. However, there is no guarantee that APKPure is 100% safe or reliable, and there may be some risks involved in downloading apps and games from third-party sources. You should always exercise caution and discretion when using APKPure or any other alternative app store.

How long is Hello Neighbor Diaries?

The length of Hello Neighbor Diaries depends on your gameplay style, choices, and actions. The game has multiple endings that can be unlocked by doing different things in the game. The average playtime of Hello Neighbor Diaries is about 4 hours, but it can vary depending on how much you explore, experiment, and replay the game.

Where can I find more information about Hello Neighbor Diaries?

You can find more information about Hello Neighbor Diaries by visiting the official website of tinyBuild ( where you can find the latest news, updates, trailers, screenshots, and more. You can also follow the official social media accounts of tinyBuild ( or join the official Discord server of Hello Neighbor ( for more interaction with the developers and other players. 44f88ac181

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